torsdag den 28. februar 2013

Syrien: Sluk ilden med benzin

USAs nye udenrigsminister har en snu plan:
The US is to step up its support for the Syrian opposition as it fights to topple President Bashar al-Assad, Secretary of State John Kerry says. Mr Kerry said the US would provide direct support to rebel forces in the form of medical and food supplies. (...)

Mr Kerry was speaking at a gathering of the Friends of Syria group in Rome. After the meeting, the European Union announced changes to its arms embargo on Syria, allowing EU states to provide armoured vehicles, non-lethal military equipment and technical aid to the rebels, but not weapons.
Hvis det var syrerne, man var så bekymret for, ville man ikke støtte oprørere, der har svært ved at klare sig selv. Det sikrer højst, at borgerkrigen fortsætter og slår mange flere mennesker ihjel, end hvis én side fik lov at vinde.

Men nej:
Other countries are making their own shifts. "Britain's policy couldn't remain static in the face of an ever-deteriorating situation," said the UK Foreign Secretary William Hague as he left the meeting.

Britain, he said, would be using any changes in the EU arms embargo on Syria to the full.

"We will send equipment that we haven't sent before," he asserted, but for now this will still not include weaponry, though he would not rule out the future supply of arms if the situation continued to deteriorate.
Dvs. hvis borgerkrigen bliver værre, vil man give våben til oprørerne. Som vi ved er dybt splittede og har stærke islamistiske fraktioner.

Hvilken humanisme!

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