søndag den 24. juli 2011

Fra Breiviks video

Andreas Behring Breivik, terroristen fra Norge, har lavet et videomanifest til sin udåd. Den er lagt op her, hvis man vil se den. Den bliver nok taget ned inden længe. Emblemet til højre er fra videoen. Det går:

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Altså et jagttegn på multikulturalister, uden begrænsning. Her et par afskrifter fra videoen med tidskoder.

As of 2002-2005; it is now too late, demographically impossible to be specific, to stop the Multiculturalist Alliance democratically as they continue to "import" millions of "voters". In addition, the Muslim population continues to grow explosively and will trigger a "phase 2 civil war" in Western Europe sooner than expected.

Patriotic W. Europeans are arming themselves for the turmoil that is destined to come, and while it is still possible to acquire arms legally.

There is an old saying: with strife comes opportunity. Continued Islamisation is likely to bring us, the cultural conversatives, back to power in Europe sooner than most people might think. It will in fact be a possibility as early as 2025.
The Conservative Revolution

The European civil war, 1999-2083
The Multiculturalist Elites will be defeated
and Islam will again be banished from Europe.
Knights Templar Europe
Opposes all hate ideologies

- Cultural Marxism/multiculturalism: the anti-European hate ideology
- Islam(ism): the anti-kafr hate ideology
- Nazism: the anti-Jewish hate ideology
Needless to say, my brother; we, the cultural conversatives of Europe have a lot of work to do...

Many of our patriotic brothers and sisters are required to continue to embrace martyrdom until the day we manage to liberate our countries.

And if the multiculturalist elites of Europe continue to refuse to voluntarily transfer political and military power to our conservative revolutionary forces...

Then WW2 is likely going to appear as a picnic compared to the coming carnage.
Before we can start our Crusade...

We must do our duty by decimating cultural marxism!
The first rain drop marks the coming of a great and unstoppable cultural conservative tidal wave. This tidal wave will cleanse Western Europe of cultural Marxism and will result in the banishment of Islam for the third time.

The European tree of liberty will be refreshed by the blood of our patriots and of the Marxist tyrants. This civil war will last several decades but we will succeed.

Never forget that we fight so that you and your children can remain free. For a future Europe safe from the tyranny of cultural Marxism and of Islam. A Europe worth dying for. A cultural model similar to that of Japan and South Korea - which is not far from cultural conservatism and nationalism at its best.

Celebrate us, the martyrs of the conservative revolution, for we will soon dine in the Kingdom of Heaven.
Der er altså ikke tale om en nazist, men en civilisationskriger. Den første terrorist, som kommer ud af det islam- og humanisthadende miljø, vi også har i Danmark. En, der så er gået længere end andre i sin fortolkning af "den kommende borgerkrig". Men næppe den sidste.

4 kommentarer:

  1. Hvorfor netop år 2083 ?
    En borgerkrig på 84 år ?
    Hvad er hans intention / symbolik i dette valg?

  2. Ingen anelse. Der må jeg være svar skyldig.

  3. I hans gigantiske manifest er der en længere udredning om det, hvor det dybest set handler om, at efter en række faser i den militære modstand mod muslimer i Europa vil kontinentet omsider i 2083 være muslim-frit. Helt ude på gag-gag overdrevet, men han tager åbenbart tidsplanen meget seriøst. Det skræmmende er, om det er fakta eller fiktion, når han hævder, at der findes otte personer som ham selv i andre europæiske lande med samme strategi...

  4. Ja, det er nok fastsat for at få det til at se gennemtænkt ud. Et vilkårligt tidspunkt, som han så holder fast i, selv om det er helt absurd.
