fredag den 7. august 2009


( jeg skrev om, at Obama-administrationen ikke i særlig høj grad har skiftet spor fra Bush)

US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has warned that the US will "take action" against Eritrea if it does not stop supporting militants in Somalia. (...)

At a joint news conference with him after the meeting, she said: "It is long past time for Eritrea to cease and desist its support of al-Shabab and to start being a productive rather than a destabilising neighbour.

"We are making it very clear that their actions are unacceptable. We intend to take action if they do not cease."

She added: "There is also no doubt that al-Shabab wants to obtain control of Somalia to use it as a base from which to influence and even infiltrate surrounding countries and launch attacks against countries far and near."

Mrs Clinton said if al-Shabab obtained a haven in Somalia "it would be a threat to the United States".
Jeg havde ikke energien til at skrive om Hillarys seneste, så vil blot henvise blot til Bjornson fra Newshoggers. Men hvor er det vildt. Fuldstændigt, for at bruge hedengangne Aukens ord, som at pisse på nogen og så sige, at de lugter.

Jeg tror virkelig ikke, at nogen amerikanske politikere er klar over hvilken katastrofe, Etiopiens invasion var for Somalia. Og, for igen at dække den vinkel; hvor mange flere somaliske flygtninge, der pga. det nye sammenbrud er kommet og vil komme til Europa.

Det er ikke ondskab, det er dumhed. Det er virkelig The Quiet American. Måske erfaringerne fra Afghanistan vil gøre en forskel, når nu fiaskoerne i Vietnam, Libanon, Irak og Somalia i 1992 ikke gjorde det.
Forty-one percent of people questioned in a CNN/Opinion Research Corp. survey released Thursday say they favor the war in Afghanistan -- down 9 points from May, when CNN polling suggested that half of the public supported the war.

Fifty-four percent say they oppose the war in Afghanistan, up 6 points from May.
Men hvad er et folk mod en forretning?

På den ene side vil det være skræmmende, hvis USA løber tør for penge. På den anden side kan det ikke gå hurtigt nok. Mentaliteten skal resettes.

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