Det er selvfølgelig lidt svært at toppe den sidste uges afsløringer, hvor en rapport fra Senatet har placeret ansvaret for den omfattende brug af tortur hos administrationen:
This week the Senate Armed Services Committee issued a powerful report, released jointly by chair Carl Levin and ranking member John McCain, that received the unanimous support of its 13 Democratic and 12 Republican members. The report concluded that Donald Rumsfeld and other high-level officials of the administration consciously adopted a policy for the torture and abuse of prisoners held in the war on terror. It also found that they attempted to cover up their conduct by waging a P.R. campaign to put the blame on a group of young soldiers they called “rotten apples.”Cheney har samtidigt givet et udmærket interview, hvor han ligeud forsvarer brugen af waterboarding, og opfordrer Obama til ikke at stoppe de "forstærkede forhørsmetoder". Intet nyt, men sjældent så ligefremt.
Ét er dog sikkert; Europas politikere vil ikke blive draget til ansvar for noget som helst. De har forstået at dække deres spor juridisk. Deprimerende.
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